Ruby on Rails
bug reports.
Bug Reports -
Paid Out
Last Updated:
12th September, 2017
Ruby on Rails
Remote code execution using render :inline
Ruby on Rails
Regarding [CVE-2016-0752] Possible Information Leak Vulnerability in Action View
Ruby on Rails
Validation bypass for Active Record and Active Model
Ruby on Rails
http_basic_authenticate_with is suseptible to timing attacks.
Ruby on Rails
Nested attributes reject_if proc can be circumvented by providing "_destroy" parameter
Ruby on Rails
DoS Attack in Controller Lookup Code
Ruby on Rails
[Rails42] We can inject HTML tags when server is using strip_tags method
Ruby on Rails
Potential XSS on sanitize/Rails::Html::WhiteListSanitizer
Ruby on Rails
Changeable model ids on vanilla update can lead to severely bad side-effects
Ruby on Rails
rails-ujs will send CSRF tokens to other origins
Ruby on Rails
JSON keys are not properly escaped
Ruby on Rails
Explicit, dynamic render path: Dir. Trav + RCE
Ruby on Rails
RCE due to Web Console IP Whitelist bypass in Rails 4.0 and 4.1
Ruby on Rails
Arbitrary file existence disclosure in Action Pack
Ruby on Rails
Denial of Service in Action Pack Exception Handling
Ruby on Rails
Data-Tags and the New HTML Sanitizer Subverts CSRF protection
Ruby on Rails
Active Record SQL Injection Vulnerability Affecting PostgreSQL
Ruby on Rails
Active Record SQL Injection Vulnerability Affecting PostgreSQL
Ruby on Rails
Directory traversal attack in view resolver